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Enhance Writing Flow & Elaborate Ideas

Smoothly refine essay structure while adding depth to your ideas for clearer expression.

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Prepare for Exams

Use your notes to revise for exams or quizzes.

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Generate To-Do Lists

Create lists for tasks & assignments to complete.

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Brainstorm Ideas

Brainstorm ideas for projects or essays.

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Generate Bibliographies

Organize references and bibliographies for research.

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Write Essays

Draft essays or papers directly within Gyani Notes.

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Store Formulas and Equations

Save math formulas for fast reference.

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Create Resumes

Create and polish your resume for professional success.

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Create Study Notes

Summarize textbook chapters or lecture materials for studying.

Gyani: write opposing argument
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Strengthen Debate Points and Expand Research Depth

Prepare for debates by exploring opposing viewpoints and developing comprehensive arguments.

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Rephrase Complex Ideas & Simplify Concepts

Achieve clarity in writing, paraphrase academic articles, and simplify text.

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Translate complex sentences into your native language for better comprehension
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Research in Multilingual Sources

Experience Smooth and Accurate Translations Every Time!

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